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MoonLight Restaurant


MoonLight Restaurant

In 1705 Vega Moon had a small shop in St James’s Market and a spare room in his house. The Moon family had come to London from Oxford as high-class builders in the wake of the Great Fire, helping to establish the St James’s and Mayfair areas as the most fashionable in London. Vega climbed another rung by taking a post as footman in Queen Anne’s household - and the room at the castle. 

The Royal Family’s insistence on having new candles every night meant a lot of half-used wax for an enterprising footman to sell on at a profit – so while the Queen’s wages paid the rent, Vega’s enlightened sideline melted down into enough to start a respectable business. The rest, as they say, is grocery.

Traditional Supernatural Food is served using the best seasonal Mystic ingredients in this restaurant. Formal luncheons and Afternoon Teas are served in these relaxed and elegant surroundings. The MoonLight Restaurant is situated on the First & Second Floors inside Saints & Sinners Corp. building on the East side.



Monday to Saturday

The MoonLight serves Lunch & Dinner from Sunset to Sunrise. For our Daywalking guest, we have special openings for you.


On Sunday the MoonLight is open 12 midnight to 5 am. From the 28th of September the MoonLight will be serving a Luncheon menu.

The dress code for the MoonLight restaurant is smart-casual, with no beachwear, and no shorts or open toe sandals for men.


They are always recommended. For weekdays 1 day in advance is recommended and for Saturdays, 2-3 weeks are advised to ensure availability. Daywalkers must call ahead 24 hours.


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